Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Capitalizing on the competition's current branding efforts.

I have recently noticed a new real estate agency by the name of Expert Realty of South Florida advertising all around town. They are on flyers, billboards along the highway, and lawn signs throughout many neighborhoods. Their radio ad seems to highlight that they are experts in all areas of realty and they will even cut their commissions by a half a percent. (.5%)

It seems as though the real estate competition is getting even tighter in South Florida.

The problem that I see is that every agent that works for Expert Realty will almost be considered an actual expert simply because he or she works for or is associated with a company called, Expert Realty.

I think that this is a chance for every real estate agent to start promoting his or her specific areas of expertise by focusing on the same things that the big companies are paying much more in airtime for.

Since this deep pocket agency is promoting most of the same features that any experienced agent in town has, every smaller agent should jump on the bandwagon and have an online marketing rep (like me) build a cost effective keyword campaign to target the same online traffic that the larger agent is targeting.

The key here is the offline capture of attention and inevitable transition to search engines when sellers or buyers are looking for homes or agents.

For instant traffic from search engines, a targeted pay per click (PPC) ad campaign can be circulating in search engine networks world-wide and even generate traffic the same day and the best part is that you only pay when someone clicks on your link. Min. bid $0.15 per click in Google!

Contact me for more info.

Peter J. Leshaw
Grafx Consulting, Inc.
Internet & Search Engine Marketing
2455 Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood, FL 33020

Tel: 954-453-1103
Fax: 954-251-4140
Mobile: 954-394-5353